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Transcriptomics and DNA methylation analysis in patients with focal cortical dysplasia - in collaboration with St Anne University Hospital, Motol University Hospital and CEITEC MU.

Clinical correlates of cerebrospinal fluid microRNA profiles and neurofilament levels in spinal muscular atrophy during nusinersen treatment in children- in collaboration with University Hospital Ostrava and CEITEC MU.

Inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and microRNAs in cerebrospinal fluid and their clinical significance in refractory status epilepticus and pharmacoresistant epilepsy in children - in collaboration with Motol University Hospital and CEITEC MU.

Imunogenetic predisposing factors for development of febrile seizures and mesiotemporal epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis - in collaboration with St Anne University Hospital and CEITEC MU.

Genotype-phenotype correlation in the patients with primary autistic spectrum condition - in collaboration with CEITEC MU.

The microbiome in the patients with primary autistic spectrum condition - in collaboration with CEITEC MU.

Prediction of stimulation efficacy in Epilepsy (PRESEnCE) - in collaboration with St Anne University Hospital, University of Minnesota and CEITEC MU.

Detection of epileptic discharges in EEG recordings of Sanfilippo syndrome - in collaboration with University of Minnesota.

Exploring metabolic profiles of human hippocampus with 7T MR Spectroscopy and the application in the pediatric epilepsy - in collaboration with University of Minnesota.

Infants with asymptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus demonstrate delays in brain maturation: Results of an EEG study in 12-month-old infants identified in a universal screening study - in collaboration with University of Minnesota.

Detection of EEG abnormalities in adrenoleukodystrophy and correlation with 7T MRI in collaboration with University of Minnesota.

Tractography dissection variability: what happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset - in collaboration with University of Minnesota.

Kde nás najdete:

Dětská nemocnice, pavilon G, patro: 4


Sekretariát (Dana Chalupová, DiS.):
532 234 919

Informace o zdravotním stavu hospitalizovaných dětí:
532 234 912 (14:00 - 15:00)

Objednávání ambulantních vyšetření:
532 234 917 (13:00 - 15:00)

Objednávání hospitalizací:
532 234 776 (10:00 - 13:00)
(hospitalizaci objednává pouze lékař)

Konziliární konzultace zdravotního stavu pro jiná zdravotnická zařízení a ambulantní specialisty:
532 234 917

Objednávání EEG vyšetření:
532 234 933

Objednávání EMG vyšetření:
532 234 933

Objednávání evokovaných potenciálů:
532 234 933

Ambulantní doba:

všední dny 8:00 - 15:30

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