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Where to Find Us

Interní gastroenterologická klinika FN Brno - plánek

Inpatint Department:

IGEK Ward A - 15th floor pavilion L (including the single room) 

IGEK Ward B - 15th floor pavilion L 

IGEK Semi-Intensive Care Unit (JIMP) - 15th floor pavilion L 

IGEK Intensive Care Unit (JIP) - 15th floor pavilion L 


Outpatient Department:

Emmergency Room (for both, internal medicine and gastroenterology) - ground floor of pavilionu I1 (connecting corridor between pavilion X and L - entrance trhourgh the pavilion X, corridor next to the pharmacy to to left)

Alergology Clinic - ground floor pavilion C

Home Parenteral Nutrition Center - 15th floor pavilion L 

Diabetology Center - 1st underground floor pavilion X (DTC) 

Hemodialysis Center - 6th floor pavilion L 

Nefrology Clinic - 6th floor pavilion L 

Day Care Center for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseses - 15th floor pavilion L  

Endocrinology Clinic - 1st underground floor pavilion X (DTC) 

Endoscopy Center - 5th floor pavilion Z

Gastroenterology Clinic - 1st underground floor pavilion X (DTC)

Gastroenterolgy Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Clinic - ground floor of pavilionu I1 (connecting corridor between pavilion X and L - entrance trhourgh the pavilion X, corridor next to the pharmacy to to left)

Clinical Psychologist - 15th floor pavilion L at the side of Ward B 

Nutritional Counseling Clinic - ground floor, pavilion CH