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Mezinárodní konference 2007

  1. Adam Z: Waldenströmova makroglobulinémie – klinické projevy a současné léčebné postupy (E), IV. Košické hematologické a transfuziologické dni, 27-29 September 2007, Lekárská fakulta UPJŠ, Trieda SNP č.1, Košice
  2. Belada D, Smolej L, Beranek M, Dvorakova D, Stepankova P, Bukac J, Maly J: Bone marrow/peripheral blood positivity of Bcl-2/IgH rearrangement in patients with follicular lymphoma before treatment has no prognostic significance. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 517, 1449  IF 5,032
  3. Belada D, Smolej L, Beranek M, Dvorakova D, Stepankova P, Bukac J, Maly J: Achievement of Bcl-2/IgH negativity in peripheral blood/bone marrow is associated with better clinical outcome in patients with follicular lymphoma. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 533, 1501   IF 5,032
  4. Brychtova Y, Doubek M, Krejci M, Muzik M, Navratil M, Mayer J, Vorlicek J: Morbidity and mortality with non-myeloablative compared to myeloablative conditioning before stem cell transplantation. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lyon, Francie, 25-28 March 2007, Abstract in: Bone Marrow Transplantation 39, 2007, Suppl. 1: 93, P513 IF 2,621
  5. Buckova H, Bucek J, Vesely K, Jerabkova B, Fajkusova L, Hlavackova E, Tomkova H, Gaillyova R: Prenatal diagnostics in Dowling-Meara type of Epidermolysis bullosa simplex family. 1st World Congress on Genodermatology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 7. – 10. 11. 2007. Poster.
  6. Buliková A, Zavřelová J, Smejkal P, Penka M: The different sensitivity of two aPTT reagens for diagnosis of lupus antikoagulant. Hematol. Dept., University Hospital Brno, Czech Repbulic XXI Congress of the ISTH. Ženeva 2007, In: J Thromb Haemost 2007; 5 Supplement 2; P-S-537 IF: 5,138
  7. Bystricka E, Vokurka S, Zitkova M, Koristkova V, et al.: Nurse-staffing standards within Middle-European National EBMT Nurses Group transplant units. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lyon, Francie, 25-28 March 2007, Abstract in: Bone Marrow Transplantation 39, 2007, Suppl. 1: 243, N924  IF 2,621
  8. Doubek M, Cmunt E, Schwarz J, Brejcha M, Brychtová Y, Trbušek M., Marinov I, Michalová K, Pospíšilová Š, Trněný M, Mayer J: What can we currently learn from new prognostic markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in everyday haematological practise? XII International Workshop on CLL, London, Great Britain, 14.-16.9.2007, Leukemia and Lymphoma, Volume 48, supplement 1, September 2007, p.44. Poster.   IF 1,559
  9. Doubek M, Cmunt E, Schwarz J, Brejcha M, Heidekerova M, Trbusek M, Brychtova Y, Klabusay M, Pospisilova S, Mayer J: What can currently learn from new prognostic markers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in the everydey haematological practice? 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the heamatology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 40, 0114   IF 5,032
  10. Doubek M, Cmunt E, Schwarz J, Brejcha M, Brychtova Y, Trbusek M, Marinov I, Michalova K, Pospisilova S, Trneny M, Mayer J: What can we currentlylearm from new prognostic markers of chronic lymhocytic leukemia (CCL) in the everyday haematological practice ? XII International Workshop on CCL, London, UK, 14-16 September 2007, Abtracts in: Leukemia & Lymphoma 48, 2007, Suppl. 1:P.1.01 , PKC- Delta and Surivin) on prdiction of clinical outcome in diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma (DLBCL)   IF 1,559
  11. Doubek M, Palasek I, Pospisil Z, Struncova S, Dvorakova D, Borsky M, Klabusay M, Brychtova Y, Krejci M, Mayer J: Detection and treatment of molecular relapse in acute myeloid leukemia with RUNX1, CBFB or MLL gene translocations. Frequent quantitative monitoring of molecular markers in different compartments and correlation with WT1 gene expression. 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood110,Suppl. 1 (Part 2): 157b, Abstract #4356  IF 10,37
  12. Dudova S, Kovarova L, Horvath R, Penka M, Hajek R, Michalek J: Amino acid sequences of T cell receptor reacting against multiple myeloma. International Society of Haematology Congress of the European & African Division, Budapest, Hungary, 29 August – 2 September 2007, Abstract in: Blood reviews, 21, 2007, Suppl. 1: S129, P134  IF 5,756
  13. Dusek L, Hrebicek J, Zaloudik J, Vyzula R, Koptikova J, Kubasek M, Muzik J, Pavlik T, Abrahamova J, Vorlicek J: Analytical internet tool for cancer epidemiology in the Czech Republic – a computational base for predictive risk models. II. Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (CMPD2). July 16 – 20, 2007, Campinas, Brazil.
  14. Dusek L, Pavlik , Gelnarova E, Muzik J, Koptikova J, Zaloudik J, Abrahamova J, Vyzula R, Vorlicek J: A new multi-stage concept in predictive modeling of the number of cancer patients potentially treated in the Czech Republic. Invited lecture in TIES 2007 – 18th Annual Meeting of the International Environmetrics Society. August 16 – 20, Mikulov, Czech Republic.
  15. Elbl L, Pozdisek Z, Hrstkova H, Kala P, Spinar J: The utility of PW TDI in the detection of late myocardial damage after oncological treatment in childhood. ESC Congress, Vienna 9/2007 Abstracts: CD-ROM.
  16. Fojtik Z, Malaskova L, Obrovska M, Slesinger P: Porovnání hodnocení anti-CCP protilátek metodou ELISA a metodou enzymové imunoanalýzy na mikropartikulích (MEIA – microparticle enzyme immunoassay). 51. Zjazd slovenských a českých reumatológov. 19.9.-22.9.2007, Banská Bystrica. Rheumatologia 2007:21: p.167-8.  ISSN1210-1931.
  17. Gisslinger H, Kralovics R, Gotic M, Holowiecki J, Penka M, Widmann R, Petrides P: Non-Inferiority of Anagrelide Compared to Hydroxyurea in Newly Diagnose Patiens with Essential Thrombocythemia. The ANAHYDRET-Study. Blood, 2007; 110(11): 1038A (abstr. No 3547)
  18. Gojova L, Jansova E, Kulm M, Vrabelova S, Kozak L: Microarray technology – a new approach for detection of mutations in ATP7B gene in patients with Wilson disease. Annual Symposium of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Hamburg, Germanys, September 4-7, 2007; Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (2007), 30 (Suppl. 1): 130. Poster. .   IF 1,574
  19. Gregora E, Pour L, Pavlicek P, Kozak T, Hajek R: VTD regimen ( Velcade + Thalidomide + Dexamethasone) – effective and feasible therapy of refractory / relapsed multiple myeloma. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the haematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-618   IF 5,032
  20. Greslikova H, Filkova H, Kuglik P, Doubek M, Brychtova Y, Pospisilova S, Mayer J: Rituximab senzitizes some B-CLL saples to fludarabine and chlorambucil in vitro, regardless OF P53/ATM status.12 Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Haemathologica, 2007, vol. 92, Suppl. : 1: 35, 0098
  21. Greslikova H, Filkova H, Kuglik P, Oltova A, Pour L, Adam Z, Krivanova A, Krejci M,  Smejkalova J,  Hajek R : Association between chromosomal changes and standard prognostic factors in patients with multiple myeloma undergoing auotologous stem cell transplantation. 12 Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Haemathologica, 2007, vol. 92, Suppl.: 1, 497, 1383
  22. Greslikova H, Kuglik P, Filkova H, Oltova A, Adam Z, Krivanova A, Pour L, et al.: Correalation between chromosomal aberrations and standard prognostic factors in patients with multiple myeloma undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation. International Society of Heamatology Congress of the European & African Division, Budapest, Hungary, 29 August – 2 September 2007, Abstract in: Blood reviews, 21, 2007, Suppl. 1: S85, 058  IF 5,756
  23. Hajek R, Cermakova Z, Pour L, Novotna H, Maisnar V, Tichy M, Adam Z, Krejci M, Krivanova A, Havlikova KH: Free light chain assays for early detection of resistance to bortezomib-based regimens. 12 Congress  of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Haemathologica, 2007, Haemathologica, 2007, vol. 92, Suppl. : 1, 93, 0257
  24. Hajek R, Krejci M, Krivanova A, Pour L, Adam Z, Zahradova L, Vetesnikova E, Mayer J, Vorlicek J: Salvage treatment with melphalan 100mg/m2 in fulminant progression of multiple myeloma. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 95, 0262   IF 5,032
  25. Hajek R, Kuglik P, Zaoralova R, Greslikova H, et al.: Genetic lesions in multiple myeloma; prognostic predictive significance in the era of the new drugs. International Society of Heamatology Congress of the European & African Division, Budapest, Hungary, 29 August – 2 September 2007, Abstract in: Blood reviews, 21, 2007, Suppl. 1: S74, 022  IF 5,756
  26. Hajek R, Zaoralova R, Pour L, Filova H, Greslikova H, Nemec P, Kuglik P, Oltova A, Adam Z, Krivanova A, Krejci M: Prospective comparison of response rate and long-term results of Velcade and Thalidomid based regimens. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-1034   IF 5,032
  27. Hajek R: Mnohočetný myelom: léčebné strategie a možnosti pro nemocné indikované k autologní transplantaci (do 65 let) v roce 2007 (E), IV. Košické hematologické a transfuziologické dni, 27-29 September 2007, Lekárská fakulta UPJŠ, Trieda SNP č.1, Košice
  28. Hajek R, Spicka I, Scudla V, Gregora E, Maisnar V, Schutzova M, Tothova E, Mistrik M, Krejci M, Straub J, Minarik J, Radocha J, Koza V, Pavlicek P, Novosadova L, Frankova H, Stavarova Y, Kessler P, Walterova L, Gumulec V, Svobodnik A, Kralova D, Adam Z: Consolidation Therapy Based on Conventional Chemotherapy and Corticoids Do Not Provide Therapeutic Advantage for Newly Diagnosed Patients after Autologous Transplantation. 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood 110, 2007, 11: 163a, 531   IF 10,37
  29. Hillmen P, Skotnicki A, Robak T, Jaksic B, Sirard C, Mayer J: Progession free survival is superior with alemtuzumab vs chlorambucil as front-line therapy for patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 45, 0127   IF 5,032
  30. Horký O, Mayer J, Borský M, Krejčí M, Pospíšilová Š, Dvořákova D: Chimerism Status as a possible Marker of Incipient Disease Relapse in Patients with AML,  ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts, Blood 2007, 110: Abstract 5028. Publication only.   IF 10,37
  31. Huser M, Crha I, Hudecek R,Ventruba P, Zakova J, Smardova L, Kral Z, Jarkovsky J: Prevention of ovarian damage during chemotherapy by gonadoliberine analogues administration. Oral presentation - Free Communication Session.19th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility of International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS), Durban, South Africa,  Apr29th-May3rd, 2007
  32. Huser M, Crha I, Hudecek R. Ventruba P, Zakova J, Smardova L, Král Z, Jarkovsky J: Gonadoliberine analogues administration for ovarian function protection during chemoterapy.23rd Annual Meeting oh The eutopean Society of Human reproduktion and Embryology. France, 1-4 July 2007, Human Reproduktion, 2007, vol.22, suppl. 1, 1120, P-302   IF 3,769
  33. Chumchalova J, Navratilova J, Klimesova D, Francova H, Kuhrova V,  Brychtova Y, Doubek M, Dvorakova D, Mayer J: Constitutive activation of STAT1 and STAT3 proteins without interferon inducibility: relevance to therapy in IgVH-unmutated CLL patients. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, June 7 - 10, 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica (2007), Suppl.1, 1110, page 409   IF 5,032
  34. Jerabkova B, Fajkusova L, Buckova H, Vesely K, Gaillyova R: Mutation analysis of Epidermolysis bullosa simplex in the Czech republic. 1st World Congress on Genodermatology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 7. – 10. 11. 2007. Poster
  35. Josting A, Haverkamp H, Borchmann P, Dohner H, Metzner B, Franke A, Smardova L, Niederwiesser D, Wilhelm M, Goebeler M, Pfistner B, Schmitz N, Sureda A, Raemakers J, Baars JW, Diehl V, Engert A: Fourth interim analysis of the HD –R2 Study-A european multicenter trial for patients with relapsed hodkin lymphoma. 7th International Symposium on Hodkin Lymphoma, Germany, 3-7 November 2007, Haematologica, 2007, Vol. 92, suppl. 5,82, P 153   IF 5,032
  36. Kajaba V, Bystricka E, Zitkova M, Pavlicova V, Rehorova I, Scudlova J, Durisova J, Finova L, et al.: Health-related quality of life after autologous stem cell transplantation: a multicenter prospective study in Czech republic (pre-final results). 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lyon, Francie, 25-28 March 2007, Abstract in: Bone Marrow Transplantation 39, 2007, Suppl. 1: 271, P1013  IF 2,621
  37. Kaplanová A: Graft versus Host Disease after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation and its Prediction by Proteomics Approaches, 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7.-10.6.2007, Haematologica, Volume 92, supplement no.1, June 2007, p. 537. Abstract published only.   IF 5,032
  38.  Kaplanová A, Šedo O, Konečná H, Pospíšilová Š, Mayer J, Zdráhal Z: Potential biomarkers for early detection of graft versus host disease. 1st Central and Eastern European proteomic conference and 3rd Czech proteomic conference, Praha, 29.10.-31.10.2007, Sborník abstrakt s. 51. Poster.
  39. Klabusay M, Hrabcakova V, Koutna I, Krontorad P, Mayer J: Comparison of two methods of hematopoietic stem cell isolation and evaluation of the vivo cultured and differentiated cells with cDNA microarrays. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 468, 1293   IF 5,032
  40. Klabusay M, Sukova V, Coupek P, Brychtova Y,  Mayer J: CD52 Antigen is expressed at diferent  intensities on tumor cells of patiens with chronic lymphocytic lymphona, mantle cell lymphoma and on CD+ cells. 12 Congess of thee European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June, Haemathologica, 2007, vol. 92, Suppl. :1, 464, 1280
  41. Klabusay M, Sukova V, Coupek P, Brychtova Y, Mayer J: CD52 antigen in expressedat different intensities on tumor cells of patiens with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, mantle cell lymphoma and on CD34+ cells. XII International Workshop on CCL, London, UK, 14-16 September 2007, Abstracts in. : Leukemia & Lymphoma 48, 2007, Suppl. 1 : P 2.46   IF 1,559
  42. Koristek Z, Mayer J, Navratil M: PBSC mobilization efficacy of G-CSF 16 μg/kg/day: analysis of 175 healthy donors. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lyon, Francie, 25-28 March 2007, Abstract in: Bone Marrow Transplantation 39, 2007, Suppl. 1: 309, R1135  IF 2,621
  43. Kotaskova J , Tichy B, Kabathova J, Borsky M, Dvorakova D, Mayer J, Pospisilova S: Influence of sample purity on gene expression: different types of separation of B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia Cells. International Conference, Brno, 23-26 June 2007, Book of Abstracts.
  44. Kotaskova J, Tichy B, Malcikova J, Kuhrova V, Doubek M, et al.: Definition and validation of novel prognostic merkers in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 390, 1056   IF 5,032
  45. Kovarova L, Buresova I. Pour L, Suska R, Adam Z, Krejci M, Vorlicek J, Penka M, Hajek R: Phenotypic Analysis of Plasma Cells in Monoclonal Gammopathy and Multiple Myeloma Subjects. 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood 110, 2007, 11: 262B, 4755   IF 10,37
  46. Kovarova L, Michalek J, Pour L, Buresova I, Vidlakova P, Kyjovska D, Penka M, Hajek R.: Comparison of dendritic cells in healthy  volunteers and subjects with monoclonal gammopathy and / or multiple myeloma.12 Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Haemathologica, 2007, vol.92, Suppl. : 1, 524, 1471
  47. Kozak L, Hrabincova E, Horky O, Vulturar R.: Characterization of 8kb deletion in the Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene. Annual Symposium of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Hamburg, Germanys, September 4-7, 2007; Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (2007), 30 (Suppl. 1): 10. Poster.   IF 1,574
  48. Kozak L, Zapletalova P, Goldmann R, Letocha O, Vyroubalova L, Porubkova J, Tichy L, Freiberger T: Advance in molecular diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech population: Identification and characterization of large rearrangements in LDLR gene. 76th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, Helsinki, Finland, June 10-13, 2007; Atherosclerosis supplements (2007), 8(1): 51. Poster.
  49. Kozak L, Zapletalova P, Goldmann R, Letocha O, Vyroubalova L, Porubkova L, Tichy L, Freiberger T: Advance in molecular diagnisis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech population: Identification and rearrangements in LDLR gene. 76 th Congress of the European Atherosclerosisi Society , 10-13 June 2007, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract in. : Official Journal of the European Atherosclerosis society, 8,2007, Suppl. 1 : PO5-135
  50. Krejci M, Hajek R, Spicka I, Pour L, Adam Z, et al.: Autologous transplantation in 495 myeloma patients from the Czech registry. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Heamatologica the heamatology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-816
  51. Krejci M, Hajek R, Vackova B, Maisnar V, Faber E, et al.: Outcomes of autologous transplantation in multiple myeloma: an analysis of 408 patients from the Czech Transplant Registry. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lyon, Francie, 25-28 March 2007, Abstract in: Bone Marrow Transplantation 39, 2007, Suppl. 1: 156, P683  IF 2,621
  52. Krejci M, Mayer J: Surprisingly high efficacy and low toxicity of pulse cyclophosphamide in the treatment of corticosteroid-refractory liver GvHD. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lyon, Francie, 25-28 March 2007, Abstract in: Bone Marrow Transplantation 39, 2007, Suppl. 1: 116, P574   IF 2,621
  53. Krejčí M, Hájek R, Adam Z, Křivanová A, Pour L, Zahradová L, Vetešníková E, Mayer J, Vorlíček J: Melfalan 100mg/m²s podporou autologního štěpu jako záchranný režim u fulminantní progrese mnohočetného myelomu, IV. Košické hematologické a transfuziologické dni, 27-29 September 2007, Lekárská fakulta UPJŠ, Trieda SNP č.1, Košice
  54. Krivanova A, Krejci M,Pour L, Zahradova L, Adam Z, Komolikova L, Havlikova K, Vorlicek J, Hajek R: Could Velcade show the benefit over the autologous retransplantation in relapsing multiple myeloma? XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-615   IF 5,032
  55. Křikava I, Doubek R, Šmardová L, Křikavová L: Sectio cesarea u pacientky se syndromem horní duté žíly – kazuistika, IX. Winterfórum SSAIM a II. Slovensko – české dni anestéziológie a intenzívnej medicíny, 7-9 Marec 2007 Štrbské pleso
  56. Kumar S, Blade J, San Miguel J, Hajek R, Nagler A, Sonneveld P, Spencer A, Sutherland H.J, Robak T, Mundle SD, Zhuang SH, Harousseau JL, Orlowski RZ: Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin (PLD) in Combination with Bortezomib (B) May Provide Therapeutic Advantage for High-Risk Multiple Myeloma Patients relapsing within 12 Months of Stem Cell Transplant. 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood 110, 2007, 11: 802a, 2730   IF 10,37
  57. Lengerova M, Hrncirova K, Racil Z, Kocmanova I, Dvorakova D, Mayer J: Use of TaqMan MGB probes for real-time PCR detection of Aspergillus sp. In bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and in samples from immunocompromised patients. 3rd Trends in Medical Mycology, Turin, Italy, 28-31 october 2007, Abstract in: Journal of Chemotherapy, 2007, 19 (Suppl 3): 76. IF: 1,374
  58. Ludwig H, Tothova E, Hajek R, Drach J, Labar B,  Egyed M, Spicka I, Gisslinger H, Greil R, Fridrik M, Zojer N, Kuhn I, Linkesch W, Mistrik M, Jaksic B, Kusec R, Hinke A: Thalidomide  dexamethasone versus mephalan – prednisolone as first line treatment  in elderly petiens with multiple myeloma : second interim analysis. 12 Congress  of the European Hematology Association , Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Haemathologica, 2007, vol. 92, Suppl. : 1, 166, 0446
  59. Ludwig H, Adam Z, Hajek R, Greil R, Keil F, Zojer N, Thaler J, Gisslinger H, Lang A: Recovery of Renal Impairment by Bortezomib-Doxorubicin-Dexamethasone (BDD) in Multiple Myeloma (MM) Patients with Acute renal Failure. Results from an Ongoing Phase II Study. 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood 110, 2007, 11: 1054A, 3603   IF 10,37
  60. Ludwig H, Tothova E. Hajek R, Drach J, Adam Z, Labar B, Egyed M., Spicka I., Gisslinger H, Kuhn I,  Hinke A: Thalomide-dexamethasone vs. melphalan-prednisone as first line treatment and thalomide-interferon vs. interferon maintenance therapy in elderly patients with multiple myeloma. 49th  annual meeting of the american society of hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood 110, 2007, 11: 163a, 529   IF 10,37
  61. Lukas Z, Kroupova I, Falk M., Valaskova I. Fajkusova L, Sedlackova J.: RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of fetal tissues from a family affected by myotonic dystrophy. 12th. Internationl Congress of the World Muscle Society, Giardini Naxos – Taormina, Italy, 17-20 October 2007, Abstract in: Neuromuscular disorders 2007 Oct., 17 (9-10), 856, G.P.14.07.   IF 2,615
  62. Maisnar V, Hajek R, Scudla V, et al.: IgD multiple myeloma – the therapeutical results of CMG. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-821   IF 5,032
  63. Malcikova J, Smardova J, Pekova S, Cejkova S, Kotaskova J, Tichy B, Francova H, Doubek M, Brychtova Y, Janek D, Pospisilova S, Mayer J., Dvorakova D, Trbusek M: Identification of somatic hypermutations in the TP53 gene in chronic lymhocytic leukemia. XII International Workshop on CCL, London UK, 14-16 September 2007, Abstracts in : Leukemia & Lymhoma 48, 2007, Suppl. 1: P 3.12   IF 1,559
  64. Malcikova J, Trbusek M, Smardova J,  Cejkova S, Kuglik P, Brychtova Y, Doubek M, Dvorakova D, Mayer J, Pospisilova S: Monitoring of the status of both P53 alleles in patients with B-CELL chronic lymphocytic leukemia-relevance to prognosis and treatment. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Suppl. : 1, 37, 0105
  65. Malcíkova J, Trbusek M, Smardova J, Cejkova S, Tichy B, Kotaskova J, Kuglik P, Brychtova Y, Doubek M, Dvorakova D, Mayer J, Pospisilová S: Importance of Monitoring of Both TP53 Alleles in Patients with B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. International p53 Marathon, Lyon, France, 13.-16.11.2007, p.62. Poster.
  66. Maly J, Penka M, Kvasnicka J, Gumulec J, Horacek J, Fiamoli V, Vit P, Vojtisek P, Slezak P, Kellnerova I: Prevalence rizika žilní trombózy - studie Endorse, první výsledky. III. Bratislavské hematologické dni s medzinárodnou účasťou, Bratislava, 11. – 13. október 2007
  67. Mayer J, Berankova J, Doubek M, Horky D, Trbusek M, Chumchalova J, Pospisilova S: Chlorambucil and fludarabine as a new pre-transplant conditioning for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of in vitro and in vivo experiments. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 167, 0451   IF 5,032
  68. Mayer J, Janikova A, Kren L, Dvorakova D, Kroupova I, Smardova L, Neubauer J, Vasova I.: Persistence of lymph node t(14;18) bearing cells in follicular lymphoma patients in clinical complete remission: proof of principle for maitenance therapy? 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 102, 0281   IF 5,032
  69. Mayer J, Kamelander J, Navratil M, Koristek Z, Doubek M, Krejci M, Brychtova Y, Racil Z, Weinreb M, Sterba .: Treatment of steroid-refractory acute GvHD with ATG Fresenius. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lyon, Francie, 25-28 March 2007, Abstract in: Bone Marrow Transplantation 39, 2007, Suppl. 1: 283, R1061  IF 2,621
  70. Nagler A, Hajek R, Sonnenveld P, et al.: Doxil + Velcade in previously treated myeloma W/prior STC. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-625   IF 5,032
  71. Navratil M, Pejchalova A, Koristek Z, Tomiska M, Tesarova E, Mayer J: Haemolysis accompanying the administration of ATG (Fresenius) in conditioning regimens – prospective monitoring, mechanism and clinical importance. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lyon, Francie, 25-28 March 2007, Abstract in: Bone Marrow Transplantation 39, 2007, Suppl. 1: 211, P834  IF 2,621
  72. Necasova J, Kadlecova J, Spesna R, Penka M, Hajek R: Expression of MAGE-A1 and MAGE-3 in Bone Marrow from Monoclonal Gammapathy to Myeloma Patients. 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood 110, 2007, 11: 261B, 4752   IF 10,37
  73. Nemec P, Greslikova H, Zaoralova R, Filkova H, Kuglik P, Oltova A, Pour L, Adam Z, Krivanova A, Krejci M, Hajek R: Prognostic impact of unfavorable cytogenetic abnormalities multiple myeloma patients treated by Bortezomib (Velcade). XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Heamatologica the heamatology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-638
  74. Nemec P, Greslikova H, Zaoralova R, Filkova H, Vranova V, Kupska R, Smejkalova J, Oltova A,  Kuglik P, Hajek R: Comparison of prognostic impact of chromosome 1Q21 gain in patients with multiple myeloma treated by bortezomib, thalidomideand any conventional therapy.12. Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria , 7-10 June, Haemathologica, 2007, vol. 92, Suppl.: 1, 49 0136
  75. Nemec P, Greslikova H, Kuglik P, Filkova H, Zaoralova R, Vranova V, Smejkalova J, Vidlakova P, Oltova A, Hajek R: Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients with 1q21 Amplification Treated by Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation Have Shorter Progression-Free Survival Interval. 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood 110, 2007, 11: 263B, 4758   IF 10,37
  76. Nemec P, Kuglik P, Vranova V, Zaoralova R, Greslikova H, Oltova A, Filkova H, Vidlakova P, Smejkalova J, Hajek R: Prognostic impact of 1q21 amplification in patients with multiple myeloma treated by velcade, thalidomide and any conventional chemotherapy. International Society of Heamatology Congress of the European & African Division, Budapest, Hungary, 29 August – 2 September 2007, Abstract in: Blood reviews, 21, 2007, Suppl. 1: S131, P140  IF 5,756
  77. Ocadlikova D, Zahradova L, Kovarova L., Stejskalova A, Penka M, Hajek R, Michalek J: Isolation and  expansion of allogeneic myeloma- specifict cells  produc interferon-gamma.12 Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Haemathologica, 2007, vol. 92, Suppl.: 1,166, 0948
  78. Ocadlikova D, Zahradova L, Kovarova L., Stejskalova A, Penka M, Hajek R, Michalek J: The preparation of monoclonal imunoglobulin loaded denritic cells results of phase/ II clinical trial. 12 Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Suppl. : 1, 353, 0947
  79. Ocadlikova D, Zahradova L, Kovarova L, Michalek J, Hajek R: The preparation of monoclonal immunoglobulin loaded dendritic cells vaccine for myeloma patients under gmp conditions: preclinical and first clinical results of a phase I/II clinical trial, 2007. 12th Congress of the Europan hematology Association Vienna, Austria, June 7-10, 2007, p.353,948.
  80. Ocadlikova D, Zahradova L, Kovarova L, Smejkalova J, Pour L, et al.: Vaccination of myeloma patients with monoclonal immunoglobulin loaded dendritic cells: preclinical and first clinical results of a phase I/II clinical trial. International Society of Heamatology Congress of the European & African Division, Budapest, Hungary, 29 August – 2 September 2007, Abstract in: Blood reviews, 21, 2007, Suppl. 1: S129, P135  IF 5,756
  81. Ocadlikova D, Zahradova L, Kovarova L, Smejkalova J, Pour L, et al.: Vaccination of myeloma patients with monoclonal immunoglobulin loaded dendritic cells: preclinical and first clinical results of a phase I/II clinical trial, 2007, 4th International Symposium on the Clinical Use of Cellular Products, Cellular Therapy 2007, Regensburg, abstract G7
  82. Orlowski R, Sutherland H, Bladé J, San Miguel J, Hájek R, Nagler A, Sonneveld P, Spencer A, Robak T, Mundle S, Luo D, Zhuang SH, Harousseau JL: Early Normalization of Serum Free Light Chain Is Associated with prolonged Time to Progression Following Bortezomib ± pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin Treatment of Relapsed/Reflactory Multiple Myeloma. 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood 110, 2007, 11: 803a, 2735   IF 10,37
  83. Palasek I, Doubek M, Dvorakova D, Brychtova Y, Borsky M, Struncova S, Krejci M, Mayer J: Detection of molecular relapse of AML by very frequent quantitative monitoring of different molecular markers in different compartments and its treatment with chemotherapy or gemtuzumab ozogamicin. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 544, 1537   IF 5,032
  84. Penka M, Buliková A, Smejkal ., Kissová J, Matýšková M, Šlechtová M, Chlupová G, Novotný J, Zapletal O: Léčebné přístupy k poruše krevního srážení provázející sepsi. III. Bratislavské hematologické dni s medzinárodnou účasťou, Bratislava, 11. – 13. október 2007
  85. Penka M: Czech database of haemophilia patients  - hemIS project. Hemorec advisory board meeting, Vienna Austria, 13.2.2007
  86. Penka M: Esenciálna trombocytémia – současné možnosti léčby (E), IV. Košické hematologické a transfuziologické dni, 27-29 September 2007, Lekárská fakulta UPJŠ, Trieda SNP č.1, Košice
  87. Penka M: FEIBA in patiens with haemophilia a and factor VIII inhibitor in comparison with NovoSeven: a single centre experience. 5th Inhibitor Workshop for Opinion Leaders in Hemophilia, Malta, June 28th, 2007
  88. Penka M: Rekombinantní faktor VIIa (Novo Seven*) v České republice – up to date. Výroční jednání Advanced Bleeding Care Board, Kodaň , Dánsko, 27. – 29.10.2007
  89. Pfreundschuh MG, Hensel M, Cavallin-Stahl E., Vasova I, et al.: Prognostic significance of maximal tumor size (MTS) in young patients with good-prognosis diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) treated with CHOP-like chemotherapy with and without rituximab: Analysis of the MabThera International Trial Group (MinT) study. 43rd ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings, Chicago, IL, 1-5 June 2007, Abstract in: Journal of clinical oncology, 25, 2007, 18S: 454, 8053
  90. Pospisilova S, Kotaskova J, Tichy B,  Kabathova J, Malcikova J, Trbusek M, Kuhrova V, Doubek M, Brychtova Y, Mayer J: Expression of lymphocite activacion gene 3 predicts IgVh mutational status with 100% sensitivity. XII International Workshop on CCL , London, UK, 14-16 September 2007, Abstracts in : Leukemia & Lymphoma, 48, 2007, Suppl.1:P 3.04   IF 1,559
  91. Pospisilova S, Kotaškova J, Tichy B, Malcikova J, Kuhrova V, Doubek M, Brychtova Y, Mayer J: Microarray-Based Detection of Novel Prognostic Markers for Chronic Lymhocytic Leukemia, Advances in Microarray Technology, Edinburgh, Great Britain, 15-16.5.2007. Abstract on CD. Poster 128a
  92. Pour L, Hajek R, Adam Z, Krivanova A, Zahradova L, Krizalkovicova V, Vorlicek J: Acyclovir 400mg once daily is sufficient for Varicella-zoster profylasis during bortezomib treatment. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-1125   IF 5,032
  93. Pour L, Kessler P, Gregora E, Penka M, Adam Z, Hájek R et al.: Low Molecular Weight Heparin in Sufficient Dose of 70 IU/kg as an Effective and Safe Thromboprophylaxis in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma during Conventional VAD Induction Therapy. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2007; 110(11): 2732   IF 10,37
  94. Pour L, Kovarova L, Buresova I, Penka M, Vorlicek J, Hajek R: Detection of normal and abnormal plasma cell by flow cytometry. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-206   IF 5,032
  95. Pour L, Penka M, Adam Z, et al.: High hepatocyte growth factor and low thrombospondin levels in myeloma patients corelate closely with postransplant response 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Heamatologica the heamatology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 468, 1293Abstract 0338   IF 5,032
  96. Pour L, Penka M, Adam Z, Kovarova L, Kyjovska D, Vidlakova P, Michalek J, Vorlicek J, Hajek R: Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) plasma level and trombospondin bone marrow plasma level are optimal candidates for angiogenesis monotoring in MM patients undergoing autologous transplantation. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-251   IF 5,032
  97. Pour L, Penka M, Adam Z, Kovarova L,  Smejkalova J, Krizalkovicova V, Kyjovska D, Vidlakova P, Michalek J, Vorlicek J, Hajek R: High hepatocyte  growth factor levels in myeloma patiens correlate closely with poor postransplant response. 12 Congress of the Eurepean  Hematalogy Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Haemathologica 2007, vol. 92, Suppl.: 1, 101, 0277   IF 5,032
  98. Racil Z: Does galactomannan (GM) detection in piperacillin/tazobactam (P/T) lots before their use eliminate false positive results of Platelia Aspergillus test when serum from patients is tedted?. 3rd Trends in Medical Mycology, Turin, Italy, 28-31 october 2007, Abstract in: Journal of Chemotherapy, 2007, 19 (Suppl 3): 76. IF: 1,374
  99. Racil Z, Kocmanova I, Wagnerova B, Lengerova M, Mayer J: Contribution of galactomannan detection for early diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in different groups of hematooncogical patients. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 75, 0208   IF 5,032
  100. Racil Z, Malaskova L, Winterova J, Kocmanova I, Lengerova M, Mayer J: Voriconazole plasma Levels Measurement in Hematoonkological Patients.47th Intercience Conference on Antimicrobial Agentsand Chemotherapy, 17-20 September 2007, Chicago, Illinois Abstract in : 444, M – 1176
  101. Radocha J, Maisnar V, Buchler T, Maly J, Hajek R: Monotherapy with low-dose thalidomide for relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma – is 100 MG daily enough? XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-649   IF 5,032
  102. Rehak Z, Fojtik Z, Opletal P, Hofirek I, Bolcak K, Niznanska V, Stanicek J, Stupalova J, Bartl J: The role of 18F - FDG PET in the diagnosis of large vessel vasculitis. Europ J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2007, Suppl 2,  p. 285, ISSN 1619-7070. IF 4,041.
  103. San-Miguel JF, Hajek R, Nagler A, Sonneveld P, Spencer A, Blade J, Robak T, Mundle SD, et al.: Doxil + Velcade in previously treated ≥65Y myeloma PTS. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Heamatologica the heamatology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-620
  104. Smardova L, Huser M, Kral Z, Crha I, Simordova A, Vorlicek J: Prevencion of ovarian damage during chemotherapy by gonadoliberine analogues administration. 7th International Symposium on Hodking Lymphoma, Germany, 3-7 November 2007, Haematologica, 2007, Vol.92, supp. 5,47,P046  IF 5,032
  105. Smardova L: Prevention of ovarian damage during chemotherapy by gonadoliberine analogues administration. 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal 92, 2007, Suppl. 1: 74, 0204   IF 5,032
  106. Smejkal P, Husa P, Matyskova M, Penka M: Efficacy of Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment in Hemophilic Patients During the Last 10 Years: a Single Center Experience 37 th Hemophilia Symposium Hamburg,  Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-73534-2, (145-148)
  107. Smejkal P, Muzik J, Buliková A, Dusek L Penka M: Effect of the first dose size of recombinant factor VIIa on treatment frequent joint bleeds in patient with haemophilia and inhibitor. Dept. Haematol, University Hospital Brno, Instit. Biostatis. and Anal., Masaryk University Brno In: J Thromb Haemost 2007; 5 Supplement 2; P-W-149,  XXI Congress of the ISTH. Ženeva 2007, IF: 5,138
  108. Smejkal P, Buliková A, Matysková M, Mayer J, Penka M: Acquired factor VIII inhibitor: report from the regional haemophilic centre. Dept. Haematol., * Dept. of Internal-medicine - Haematooncology , University Hospital Brno In: J Thromb Haemost 2007; 5 Supplement 2; P-W-209,  XXI Congress of the ISTH. Ženeva 2007, IF:  5,138
  109.  Spencer A, Hajek R, Nagler A, et al.: Doxil + Velcade in previously treated high risk myeloma. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-629   IF 5,032
  110. Spicka I, Kotoucek P, Pour L, Thotova E, Maisnar V, Masarova K, Gregora E, Flochova E, Zemanova M, Markuljak I, Adam Z, Hajek R, et al.: Bortezomib (Velcade) for refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma-resuslts of Czech myeloma group (CMG) and Slovak myeloma society (SMS). XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-642   IF 5,032
  111. Svoboda M, Fabian P, Vasova I, Radova L, Berkovcova J, Klabusay M, Nenutil R, Rejthar A: The impact of selected cell survival regulators (of akt -2, BCL-2, CD  PKC- Delta and Surivin) on prediction of clinical outcome in diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma (DLBCL). 12 Congress of the European Hematology Asociation, Vienna, Austria, 7-10 June 2007,Haemathologica, 2007, vol. 92,  Suppl. 1 : 261, 0702
  112. Spička I, Kotoucek P, Hajek R, Tothova E, Maisnar V, Masarova K, Gregora E, Flochova E: Bortezomib u refrakterního myelómu-výsledky v ČR a SR (E), IV. Košické hematologické a transfuziologické dni, 27-29 September 2007, Lekárská fakulta UPJŠ, Trieda SNP č.1, Košice
  113. Tichy M, Maisnar V, Stulik J, Adam Z, Kadlckova E, Hajek R, Maly J: A new case of mu-heavy chain disease. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-903   IF 5,032
  114. Trbusek M, Cejková S, Rocnova L, Potesil D, Chumchalova J, Smardova L, Malcikova J, Kuglik P, Doubek M, Brychtova Y, Pospisilova S, Mayer J: Rituximab senzitizes some B-CCL samples to fludarabine and chlorambucil in vitro, regardless of  TP53/ATM status. 12 th Congress of   the European Hematology Association, Viena, Austria, 7-10 June 2007, Haemathologica, 2007, vol. 92, Suppl.: 1, 35, 0098  IF 5,032
  115. Trbusek M., Smardova J., Häbe S., Denzel T., Malcikova J., Doubek M., Schwarz J., Dohner H., Stilgenbauer S.: p53 Inactivation in CLL: Pattern of 110TP553 Mutations. 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-11 December 2007, Abstract in: Blood 110, 2007, 11: 615a, 2064   IF 10,37
  116. Vigasova J, Kadlecova J, Spesna R, Penka M, Hajek R: Expression of and MAGE-A3 in bone marrow of patients with multiple myeloma. International Society of Heamatology Congress of the European & African Division, Budapest, Hungary, 29 August – 2 September 2007, Abstract in: Blood reviews, 21, 2007, Suppl. 1: S132, P143  IF 5,756
  117. Vohanka S, Bednarik J, Fajkusova L, Sedlackova J: Myotonic dysrophy type 2 in South  Moravian region of Czech Republic. 12th. Internationl Congress of the World Muscle Society, Giardini Naxos – Taormina, Italy, 17-20 October 2007, Abstract in: Neuromuscular disorders 2007 Oct., 17 (9-10), 857, G.P.14.11.
  118. Zaoralova R, Greslikova H, Filkova H, Nemec P, Kuglik P, Oltova A, Pour L, Adam Z, Krivanova A, Krejci M, Hajek R: Prognostic value of selected chromosomal abnormalities in multiple myeloma patients treated by Thalidomide. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-656   IF 5,032
  119. Zaoralova R, Greslikova H, Filkova H, Nemec P, Kuglik P, Oltova A, Pour L, Adam Z, et al.: Do the „ new drugs“ antagonize the impact of unfavourable cytogenetic markers in multiple myeloma? International Society of Heamatology Congress of the European & African Division, Budapest, Hungary, 29 August – 2 September 2007, Abstract in: Blood reviews, 21, 2007, Suppl. 1: S131, P141  IF 5,756
  120. Zapletalova E, Hedvicakova P, Vondracek P, Fajkusova L: Analysis of point mutationsin the SMN1 gene in Czech SMA patients. 12th. Internationl Congress of the World Muscle Society, Giardini Naxos – Taormina, Italy, 17-20 October 2007, Abstract in: Neuromuscular disorders 2007 Oct., 17 (9-10), 779, G.P.2.09.
  121. Zelena J, Konecna H, Zdrahal Z, Šedo O, Moravcova J, Rycova M, Kyjovska D, Hanakova B, Hajek R: Two-dimensional molecular profiling of multiple myeloma. International Society of Heamatology Congress of the European & African Division, Budapest, Hungary, 29 August – 2 September 2007, Abstract in: Blood reviews, 21, 2007, Suppl. 1: S129, P136  IF 5,756
  122. Zemanová M, Ščudla V, Pour L, Gregora E, Pavliček P, Minařík J, Pika T, Bačovský J, Adam Z, Hájek R: Low-doses Thalidomide regimens in therapy of relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. XIth International Myeloma Workshop, Kos Island, Greece, 25-30 June 2007, Abstract in: Haematologica the hematology journal, 92, 2007, 6 Suppl. 2: PO-667  IF 5,032
  123. Zenz T, Trbusek M, Smardova J, Häbe S, Denzel T, Malcikova J, Doubek M, Schwarz J, Dohner S, Stilgenbaurer S: p53 inactivation in CLL: pattern of 110 TP53 mutations. Blood 110,Suppl. 1 (Part 1): 615a, Abstract #2064, 2007   IF 10,37
  124. Zitkova M, Jurenikova P, Divisova O, Lihosithova E: Educacion in heamato-oncological patients. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Lyon, Francie, 25-28 March 2007, Abstract in: Bone Marrow Transplantation 39, 2007, Suppl. 1: 270, P1012  IF 2,621
  125. Zitkova M, Jurenikova Z, Danisova Z,Micudova E: Spiritual needs as a part of the holistic approach. ECCO 14 the European Cancer Conference, Barcelona, 23.- 27. September 2007. Abstract in. : Abstract Book, 5, 2007, 4: 440, 8109
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