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Články v zahraničních časopisech 2007

  1. Adam Z, Bolcak K, Stanicek J, Buchler T, Pour L, Krejci M, Prasek J, Neubauer J, Vorlicek J, Hajek R.: Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in multiple myeloma, solitary plasmocytoma and monoclonal gammapathy of unknown significance. Neoplasma, 54, 2007, 6:536-40. IF 1,247
  2. Blahakova I, Makaturova E, Kotrbova L, Soukupova M, Lastuvkova J, Kozak L.: Molecular screening of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome in pregnant woman from the Czech Republic. J  Inherit Metab Dis, 30, 2007, 6: 964-969 IF 1,574
  3. Bzduch V, Behulova D, Kozak L.: Sacral dimple as a skin manifestation of the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. J Inherit Metab Dis, 30, 2007, 269-270 IF 1,574
  4. Cocks K, Cohen D, Wisloff F, Sezer O, Lee S, Hippe E, Gimsing P, Turesson I, Hajek R, Smith A, Graham L, Phillips A, Stead M, Velikova G, Brown J; on behalf of EORTC Quality of Life Group: An international field study of the reliability and validity of a disease-specific questionnaire module (the QLQ-MY20) in assessing the quality of life of patients with multiple myeloma. Eur J Cancor, 43, 2007, 11:1670-8IF 4,167
  5. Doubek M., Muzik J, Szotkowski T, Koza V, Cetkovsky P, Kozak T, Zak P, et al.: Is FLT3 internal tandem duplication significant indicator for allogeneic transplantation in acute myeloid leukemia? An analysis of patiens from the Czech Acute Leukemia Clinical Register (ALERT.) Neoplasma, 54, 2007, 1: 89-94  IF 1,247
  6. Faber E, Koza V, Vitek A, Mayer J, et al: Reduced-intensity conditioning for allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia is associated with better overall survival but inferior disease-free survival when compared with myeloblative conditioning – a retrospective study of the Czech National Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Registry. Neoplasma, 54, 2007, 5: 443-446  IF 1,247
  7. Hillmen P, Skotnicki A, Robak T, Jaksic B, Dmoszynska A, Wu J, Sirard C, Mayer J: Alemtuzumab compared with chlorambucil as first-line therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Journal of clinical oncology, 25, 2007, 35: 5616-5623 IF 13,598
  8. Klabusay M, Sukova V, Coupek P, Brychtova Y, Mayer J: Different levels of CD52 antigen expression evaluated by quantitative fluorescence cytometry are detected on B-lymphocytes, CD34+ cells and tumor cells of patients with chronic B-cell lymphoproliferative diseases. Cytometry Part B ( Clinical cytometry), 2007, 72B: 363-370  IF 2,065
  9. Kovarova L, Buchler T, Pour L, Zahradova L, Ocadlikova D, Svobodnik A, Penka M, Vorlicek J, Hajek R: Dentritic cell counts and their subsets during treatment of multiple myeloma. Neoplasma, 2007, 54, 4: 297-303 IF 1,247
  10. Krejci M, Hajek R, Buchler T, Krivanova A, Svobodnik A, Pour L, Adam Z, Mayer J, Vorlicek J: Simple variablets predict surfoval after autologous trasplantation: a single centre experience in 181 multiple myeloma patients. Neoplasma, 54, 2007, 2: 143-148  IF 1,247
  11. Kyr M, Fedora M, Elbl L, Kugan Nishan, Michalek J: Modeling effect of the septic condition and trauma on C-reactive protein levels in children with sepsis: a retrospective study. Critical Care, 11, 2007, 3:1-9  IF 3.116
  12. Lengerová M, Racil Z, Volfová P, Lochmanová J, Berkovcova J, Dvorakova D, Vorlicek J, Mayer J: Real-time PCR diagnostics failure caused by nucleotide variability withing exos 4 of the human cytomegalovirus major immediate-early gene. Journal of clinical mikrobiology, 45, 2007, 3: 1042-1044 IF 3,445
  13. Michalek J, Kocak I, Fait V, Zaloudik J, Hajek R.: Detection and long-term in vivo monitoring of individual tumor-specific T cell clones in patients with metastatic melanoma. The Journal of Immunology, 2007, 178:6789-95 IF 6,293
  14. Michalek J, Svetlikova P, Fedora M, Klimovic M, Klapacova L, Bartosova D, Elbl L, Hrstkova H, Hubacek JA: Bacterial permeability increasing protein variants in children with sepsis. Intensive Care Medicine,  2007, 33:2158-2164  IF 4.406
  15. Nemec P, Rybnickova S, Fabian P, Fojtik Z, Soucek M. Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis: an unusual cause of low back pain. Clin Rheumatol, 11, 2007, ISSN 0770-3198 IF 1,459
  16. Orlowski RZ, Nagler A, Sonneveld P, Bladé J, Hajek R, Spencer A, San Miguel J, Robak T, Dmoszynska A, Horvath N, Spicka I, Sutherland HJ, Suvorov AN, Zhuang SH, Parekh T, Xiu L, Yuan Z, Rackoff W, Harousseau JL.: Randomized phase III study of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin plus bortezomib compared with bortezomib alone in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: combination therapy improves time to progression. Journal of clinical oncology, 25, 2007, 25:3892-901 IF 13,498
  17. Österborg A, Steegmann JL, Hellman A, Couban S, Mayer J, Eid JE: Phase II study of three dose levels of continuous erythropoietin receptor activator (C.E.R.A.) in anaemic patients with aggressive non-Hodgkins lymphoma receiving combination chemopherapy. British Journal of Haematology, 136, 2007, 736-744  IF 4,498
  18. Pecci A, Panza E, Pujol-Moix N, Klersy C, Di Bari F, Bozzi V, Gresele P, Lethagen S, Fabris F, Dufour C, Granata A, Doubek M, Pecoraro C, Koivisto PA, Molinas FC, Iolascon A, Alvisi P, Schwabe D, De Candia E, Rocca B, Russo U, Ramenghi U, Noris P, Seri M, Balduini CL, Savoia A: The position of NMMHC-IIA mutations predicts the natural history of MYH9-related disease. Human Mutation 0, 2007, 1-9 IF = 7,3
  19. Racil Z, Kocmanova I, Lengerova M, Winterova J, Mayer J: Fast-Track Communication Intravenous PLASMA-LYTE as a major cause of false-positive results of platelia Aspergillus test for Galactomannan detection in serum. Journal of Clinical Microbioloy, 45, 2007, 9: 3141-3142  IF 3,445
  20. Stehlíková K, Zapletalová E, Sedlácková J, Hermanová M, Vondrácek P, Maríková T, Mazanec R, Zámecník J, Vohánka S, Fajkus J, FajkusováL.: Quantitative analysis of CAPN3 transcripts in LGMD2A patients: involvement of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Neuromuscul Disord, 17, 2007, 2:143-7  IF 2,615
  21. Válek V, Kysela P, Kala Z, Kiss I, Tomášek J, Petera J: Brachytherapy and percutaneous stenting in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma: a prospective randomised study. Eur J Radiol, 62, 2007, 2: 175-9 IF 1,332
  22. Vasickova P, Machackova E, Lukesova M, Damborsky J, Horky O, Pavlu H, Kuklova J, Kosinova V, Navratilova M, Foretova L: High occurrence of BRCA1 intragenic rearrangements in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome in the Czech Republic. BMC Medical Genetics,  2007, 8:32  IF  ?
  23. Vondracek P, Hermanova M, Sedlackova J, Fajkusova L, Stary D, Michenkova A, Gaillyova R, Seeman P, Mazanec R: Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 1A combined with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. European Journal of Neurology, 14, 2007, 10:1182-5  IF 2,437
  24. Vondracek P, Hermanova M, Vodickova K, Fajkusova L, Blakely EL, He L, Turnbull DM, Taylor RW, Tajsharghi H.: An unusual case of congenital muscular dystrophy with normal serum CK level, external ophtalmoplegia, and white matter changes on brain MRI. Eur J Paediatr Neurol, 11, 2007, 6:381-4  IF 1,364
  25. Zapletalová E, Hedvicáková P, Kozák L, Vondrácek P, Gaillyová R, Maríková T, Kalina Z, Jüttnerová V, Fajkus J, Fajkusová L.: Analysis of point mutations in the SMN1 gene in SMA patients bearing a single SMN1 copy. Neuromuscul Disord, 17, 2007, 6:476-81  IF 2,615
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